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The 3rd REGATRACE workshop in Ireland was attended (by Zoom) by 32 participants – invitee list attached. In advance of the meeting the draft Roadmap and draft country specific D6.4 Draft Guidance for feasibility analysis covering biomethane investments, were circulated.

Summary 3rd workshop December 2021

REGATRACE (Renewable GAs TRAde Centre in Europe) aims to create an efficient trade system based on issuing and trading biomethane/renewable gases Guarantees of Origin (GoO). This will strongly contribute to the uptake of the European common biomethane market.

This objective will be achieved through the following founding pillars:

  • European biomethane/renewable gases GoO system;

  • Set-up of national GoO issuing bodies;

  • Integration of GoO from different renewable gas technologies with electric and hydrogen GoO systems;

  • Integrated assessment and sustainable feedstock mobilisation strategies and technology synergies;

  • Support for biomethane market uptake;

  • Transferability of results beyond the project’s countries.

A network of issuing bodies will be established by including existing national biomethane registries (in Austria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland and UK) and by establishing issuing bodies in the “target” countries of the project (Belgium, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Lithuania and Romania).

Moreover, REGATRACE will prepare the ground for setting-up national biomethane registries in other 7 ‘supporting’ countries (Croatia, Greece, Czech Republic, Latvia, Ukraine, Slovenia and Sweden).

A stable, reliable and common market for biomethane and other renewable gases in Europe can help achieve EU political targets and decouple its energy systems from fossil fuels: biomethane/renewable gases can be produced from waste or residual streams of organic material and they can be transmitted and stored in existing infrastructures, making it possible to combine the European natural gas and electricity grids.

Expected outcomes

  • 7 New Registries set-up in the Target countries.

  • 7 MoU signed by 7 Target countries to establish the network of the national issuing bodies.

  • 60 Participatory workshops – 4 in each Target and Supported country to create visions and roadmaps for biomethane development.

  • 7 Hot spot regions identified for the future implementation of renewable methane technologies, 1 per REGATRACE Target country.

  • 7 Workshops in non-partner countries (Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, Hungary, Serbia and Slovakia).

Furthermore, the project will define guidelines on renewable gas sustainability certification. REGATRACE will also develop a country tailored guidance for feasibility analysis and a guidebook on securing financing for investments to assist biomethane project developers.

Project Partners

Istituto di Studi per l’Integrazione dei Sistemi (ISINNOVA), European Biogas Association (EBA), AGCS Gas Clearing and Settlement AG (AGCS), Consorzio Italiano Biogas e Gassificazione (CIB), Deutsche Energie – Agentur Gmbh (DENA), Romanian Association of Biomass and Biogas (ARBIO), Renewable Gas Forum-Irish Green Gas CLG (RGFI), Fluxys Belgium SA (FLUXYS), DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum Gemeinntzige Gmbh (DBFZ), Association of Issuing Bodies Aisbl (AIB), AB Amber Grid (AMBER GRID), Nedgia SA (NEDGIA), European Renewable Gas Registry ( ERGaR), Elering AS (ELERING), Unia Productentów i Pracodawców Przemysłu Biogazowego (UPEBI). –

Project duration: June 2019 – May 2022

This project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under Grant Agreement no. 857796

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