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IRELAND BIOMETHANE CONFERENCE – 9 & 10 Nov 2022, Clontarf Castle Hotel, Dublin

In recent months, Irish Government policy has referenced the potential of AD biomethane,  for the hard to decarbonise sectors of agriculture, manufacturing & processing, as an enabler of emissions reduction, competitiveness and energy security.  The Ireland Biomethane Conference, to take place in November 2022, will therefore provide timely information to delegates on the latest policy developments underpinning an indigenous biomethane industry in Ireland and across the EU.

Speakers will be drawn from the EU Commission, Irish Government and State Agencies, as well as other EU member states who are leading in AD Biomethane.

With our grass-based agriculture, Ireland has the highest potential for biomethane production per capita in the EU according to the European Commission, providing a strong opportunity to develop a thriving indigenous biomethane industry, support energy security and, importantly for Irish farmers, reduce agricultural emissions.  

RGFI has collaborated extensively with producers, farmers, consumers and relevant Irish Government Departments as well as the EU Commission to develop an agreed vision and roadmap for AD biomethane in Ireland.  We are now on the cusp of the development of this sector in Ireland and our vision is that  farmers and the food industry be central to  the production of sustainable biomethane, bio-fertiliser and carbon farming.”, JP Prendergast, Chairman of RGFI.

A Conference Dinner on 9th November will be addressed by Senator Marc Pacheco, who was responsible for the Global Warmings Solutions Act. Senator Pacheco (who has strong Irish connections) is currently serving as the Dean of the Massachusetts Senate and is the founding chair of the standing Senate Committee on global warming and climate change.

Check back here soon for further information on speakers and programme information.

For sponsorship enquiries, please contact:

Register here 

For accommodation, please contact the Clontarf Castle Hotel   and quote the RGFI Conference.


Supported by REGATRACE



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